Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What Is The Relationship Between International Organization And Essay

What Is The Relationship Between International Organization And Industrial Change From A Neo-Gramscian Perspective - Essay Example In his 1981 exposition, Cox asks for an informed, open-minded critique of International Relations (IR) that had so far depended solely on "problem-solving" theories that obsequiously deviated in no manner from mainstream diagnoses and prognoses, but embraced states as being immutable and the scheme of things-including individual and institutional relationships within and between states, parastatal organisations and the so-called private players-as Kantian Dinge an sich (literally, "things as they are"). Cox's effort in 1983 was to expand on his earlier thesis: to prove how neo-Gramscianism can take apart and syncretise into new understandings and, thus, modalities of action to subvert the power superstructure of the Global Political Economy, a complex trelliswork of governmental, individual and institutional actors. ... defined as "dominance, especially by one state or social group over others" (Oxford English Dictionary), but is furthermore "understood as an expression of broadly-based consent, manifested in the acceptance of ideas and supported by material resources and institutions" (Bieler and Morton 2003). The term "world order" was of a different class altogether from Immanuel Wallerstein's "world systems theory", a profoundly disturbing assault on development and modernisation theory, in which he said that he aimed to achieve "a clear conceptual break with theories of 'modernisation' and thus provide a new theoretical paradigm to guide our investigations of the emergence and development of capitalism, industrialism, and national states" (Skocpol 1977). Wallerstein (1987) declaimed that the world systems theory was "a protest against the way in which social scientific inquiry is structured for all of us at its inception in the middle of the nineteenth century". Criticising the then prevalent bimodal Dependency Theory, which argues in favour of a bipolar metropolis-satellite structure, he held that it was too simplistic to have a functional worldview organised around it: the meaning that can be read into it is that it would have to be, in a sense, future-proof against times that would only get more-and less-interconnected. In a sense, too, Wallerstein's trimodal world systems theory has been bypassed by current events: mergers between transnational corporations from disparate political dispensations have led to the creation of megacorporations that have turnovers that put the GDP of many developing world economies in the shade. Parastatal organisations, usually non-governmental organisations (NGO), that owe their loyalty either to themselves and their agendas or to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Political Disputes In Early Nineteenth Century Essay Example for Free

Political Disputes In Early Nineteenth Century Essay The North and South in the nineteenth century were different in lifestyle and morale as well as economy. The north had a booming industrial economy while in the South, cotton was king. Because of this, congress was continuously addressing controversial matters and providing answers that did not satisfy either one side or both. The early 1800s were full of the North and the South making many attempts at reconciliation that just fell short. Among those were the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and the Great Compromise of 1850. Other tempestuous attempts led to the Tariff/Nullification Controversy, anti slavery debates in congress, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Whether it was one side or the other, there was always someone to oppose and in some cases, defy the laws put in place, which eventually led to the succession of the southern states and the Civil War. The issue of slavery became an even greater concern when the Louisiana Purchase territories were to enter the Union as states. The question was, would new territories enter the Union as slave or free states? The South wanted a balance of power. They knew that if the North were to have more free states, then slavery in the south could be facing extinction through congress. In an attempt to conciliate with the South, the North agreed upon the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Through this, slavery was banned above the 36 degrees 30 minute line and Missouri entered as a slave state, Maine a free state. For a while, it retained the balance of power. However, tempers in the south rose again later in the 1820s over high tariffs. The tariffs benefitted the north but threatened southern cotton exports. In 1828, the tariff was around 50%. President Jackson modified it to around 33% in 1832 only to have South Carolina nullify it in the state. It raised the question of whether or not the federal government could legally impose protective tariffs and whether it was constitutional for a state to nullify a federal law. South Carolinaby a course of legislationcan defeat the execution of certain laws of the United is utterly impracticable [Document A] Henry Clay believed it impractical for South Carolina to oppose the federal law and also believed that South Carolina had no intention of leaving the Union, which depicts just how blind people were to just how great the rift really was. In 1833, the Compromise Tariff was put into place and would reduce rates to 20% by 1842. At this time, most people considered compromise to still be possible. As time goes on, slavery becomes as much of a moral  issue as a political one. The American Anti-Slavery Society believed that the practice of slavery was against Gods teaching and that those who kept slaves were man stealers. [Document B] Slaves should be set free and slaveholders shouldnt be compensated a dime. we concede the Congresshas no right to interfere with any of the slave statesBut we maintain that Congress has a rightto suppress the domestic slave trade [Document B] As abolitionists started to make an even greater fuss over slavery, congress was backed into a corner. To release the slaves and prevent slavery in the new territories would incite the wrath of the South, however to allow more slave states to enter the Union would anger the abolitionists. Eventually, the gag rule was put into place. All petitions, memorials, [etc.]to the subject of slavery or the abolition of slavery, shallbe laid on the table and that no further action whatever shall be had thereon. [Document C] However, each time a territory wanted to become a state, whether slavery would be permitted or not was a forefront issue starting with the lands gained from the Mexican War. The Compromise of 1850 was put into place here. California was admitted as a free state and New Mexico and Utah entered under popular sovereignty (the citizens would decide whether they wanted slavery or not.) From this compromise also came a stronger Fugitive Slave Law (all escaped slaves were to be tu rned in and returned.) Northerners blatantly ignored this federal law which angered the Southerners, for when they had tried not to comply to a federal law, they had been punished. [Document D] The Southerners felt wronged, and rightly so. Compromise seemed less and less possible. In 1854, there were questions on whether there should be slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska territories, even though it was prohibited by the Missouri Compromise. The South was unhappy about this however because the shaky balance of power would then decisively shift to the North. The South needed more slave states. Because of this, the Missouri Compromise was then repealed. Popular sovereignty was then ruled in the territories. At the sound of that, abolitionists and pro-slavery citizens began to rush Kansas in spades. Fighting broke out so horrifically it was given the name Bleeding Kansas. During this, a new political party arose: the Free-Soilers. They were against slavery and fought state constitutions such as the Lecompton Constitution. After this, slavery issues began to spin out of control. Things like the Dred Scott Decision and John  Browns Raid and other slave revolts kept slavery at the forefront of everyones minds. The Free-Soilers then turned into the Republicans who firmly believed in the end slavery. Compromise was now nearly impossible. The possibility of compromise was then nailed shut when a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, won the election of 1860. North Carolina then seceded from the Union and other southern states soon followed suit. Its possible that if the South had only picked one candidate, they could have won the election. [Document H] But because they hadnt, the South then felt threatened. And because they felt threatened, they seceded. The reasons and events stated led to the eventual conclusion of the impossibility of compromise by 1860.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Why Parents Should Home School Essay example -- Essays Papers

Why Parents Should Home School When Americans think of education, they almost automatically think of public education. However, education in our public schools has been on a down slope for over twenty years now. This is because many parents today are deciding to home school their children. Although most people think that a public education is better, statistics and facts tend to show that home schooling is beneficial in more ways. Since the beginning of civilization, children have been learning in and with their families. Children learned how to survive and make a living through life with their families and in the community. Parent’s taught their children everything they needed to know or established them in private school or apprenticeships. Until about 150 years ago, this was considered the norm of society (Lahrson-Fisher 49). The term â€Å"home schooling† began to flourish in the 1970’s when it found a place in the dictionary. For many people, this was the only option because public schools were too far away to attend. There is over a fifteen percent rise in home schooled students each year. A majority of home schooled students are white middle-class families, but minorities are finding that this option is also better for their children (School Choice). It is estimated that there are currently two million children home schooled in the United States (School Choice). The number of children being home schooled increased from 32,804 in 2000 to 53,216 in 2003 (Brown 1). There are three basic reasons parents keeps their children out of public schools. First, they think that raising their children is their business and not the governments. Second, they enjoy being with their children and watching and helpin... ... admissions policies for children that are taught at home (School Choice). What was once looked down upon has become a popular alternative to public schooling. There various reasons why children should be home schooled. Children will have time for sporting activities, musical groups, church and youth organizations, field trips, volunteer opportunities, arts and crafts workshops, neighborhood activities and more. Home schooling provides time for family support of critical areas of social development: love, self-discipline, security, independence, and responsible use of freedoms (Lahrson-Fisher 24). Current statistics and facts show that home schooling is highly beneficial. Parents simply want is the best for their child. Through home schooling, this want can be met. In closing, home schooling offers numerous advantages and opportunities over public schools.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Business Essay -- essays research papers

Personal Assessment: After doing comprehensive research I come to the conclusion, that by opening a Restaurant with Bosnian food would be very good business venture. By opening a restaurant with authentic Bosnian food within the Bosnian community of fifty thousand people would be very profitable. In a way risk free. My only concern is that this is my first time investing a large amount of money. Bosnian Food is very unique. Most Bosnian people have very busy schedules and they don’t have time to cook. My restaurant would feature traditional Bosnian food and atmosphere to make people feel as if they were in Bosnia. By opening this restaurant, families would be able to come to dine or to take food home that would make them feel at home and also employ many Bosnian people who can’t find jobs because of the language barrier. Uncontrollable variable in this case is that someone else may come up with the same idea shortly after I start my business. I want to start my own business for several reasons. My money, hard work, time, and effort would be invested in something that would, in the long run, benefit me, my family and also the Bosnian community. Research: Chicago is home to fifty thousand Bosnian people. Which makes it the largest Bosnian community in the United States. Bosnians started immigrating to United States in 1993Which means that this is a very young community with great potential. Memories of their homeland and home cooking are still very fresh in their minds and i...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Nutrition cycle

This paper gives the summary of the Nutrition cycle in the atmosphere. The Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Phosphorous cycle, Sulfur cycle and Hydrologic cycle are all discussed. The paper also mentions how the human activity has affected these cycles.Carbon cycleThe Carbon Cycle is the circulation of carbon, fats, proteins, DNA and many other organic compounds that is required for life in the biosphere. It makes up for 0.038% of the volume of troposphere and is also present in water. The carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere is balanced by the generating, removing (terrestrial and aquatic producers) and cooling in the cycle. Any small changes in this cycle will affect the climate and life forms on the earth (Chapter3 55).Photosynthesis converts Carbon Dioxide into glucose. Aerobic respiration then breaks glucose and organic compounds and reconverts it to Carbon Dioxide and is released into the atmosphere. Recycling of Carbon takes place in the form of decomposition of dead plant ma tter to give fossil fuels such as coal and oil. These fossil fuels are non renewable energy (Chapter3 55).There are two main ways by which humans are affected, they are as follows – Firstly, humans clear trees and plants that help in photosynthesis and absorbs Carbon Dioxide. Secondly, Carbon Dioxide is added back to the atmosphere by burning wood and fossil fuels. The addition of Carbon Dioxide and other gases enhances the Earth’s natural green house effect. All this leads to global warming which affects the food produced and wildlife, temperature, precipitation and increases sea levels (Chapter3 55).Nitrogen cycleNitrogen is available in large quantities in the atmosphere but cannot be directly used or absorbed by mutlicellular plants and animals. Nitrogen gas makes up for 78% of the volume of the troposphere   Ã‚  Atmospheric discharges like lighting, bacteria in aquatic systems in soil and the roots of plants convert the Nitrogen available into Nutrients that can be absorbed by plants or animals. This process is known as the Nitrogen Cycle (Chapter3 55).The process consists of Nitrification which converts nitrite ions to nitrate ions. Then Ammonification occurs wherein bacteria convert the detritus into simple nitrogen containing compounds such as Ammonia and water soluble salts (Ammonium ions). Denitrification then converts the Ammonia and Ammonium ions back into nitrite and nitrate ions and then further into Nitrogen gas and Nitrous gas, which is released into the atmosphere (Chapter3 55, 56).There are many ways by which humans are affected; some of them are as follows – First, Acid rain consisting of Nitrogen Dioxide and Nitric Acid causes damages in the form of acid depositions. Second, livestock and inorganic fertilizers release Nitrous Oxide into the atmosphere. This affects the ozone layer. Third, Nitrates contaminate groundwater making it harmful to drink. Fourth, Destruction of forests, wetlands and grasslands release Nitrog en compounds into the troposphere. Fifth, aquatic ecosystems is disturbed when too much nitrates is released. Sixth, Harvesting of Nitrogen rich crops, irrigation and then burning or clearing of topsoil before replanting crops removes Nitrogen in the topsoil (Chapter3 56).Phosphorous cyclePhosphorus circulation occurs through the water, earth’s crust and then the living organisms. The Phosphorus cycle is slower and flows from land to the oceans. It is found as Phosphate salts such as Phosphate ions present in terrestrial rock formations and sediments at the bottom of the ocean. Water flows erodes these inorganic compounds and transfers it to the oceans where deposition occurs. This sedimentation limits the growth of plants as it is only slightly soluble but very harmful (Chapter3 57, 58).There are three main ways by which humans are affected, they are as follows – Firstly, Phosphate rock mining is done to make inorganic fertilizers and detergents. Secondly, deforestati on of tropical forests causes reduction of phosphate in tropical soils. Thirdly, aquatic life is disturbed due to Phosphates in animal wastes, fertilizers and sewage (Chapter3 58, 59).Sulfur cycleSulfur circulation occurs through the biosphere. Sulfur is stored underground in rocks and minerals; these also include sulfate salts that are buried in ocean sediments. Sulfur enters the atmosphere as Hydrogen Sulfides, Sulfur dioxides, Sufides and Sulfate salts. Acid deposition occurs due to the conversion of Sulfur Dioxide to Sulfur trioxide and then to Sulfuric acid, which along with air pollution harms tress and aquatic life (Chapter3 59).There are three main ways by which humans are affected, they are as follows – Firstly, burning of coal and oil to produce electric power adds Sulfur into the atmosphere. Secondly, Refining of Sulfur containing petroleum is done to give gasoline, heating oil and many other products. Thirdly, metallic mineral ores containing Sulfur are converted into free metals like copper, lead and zinc, this process releases huge amount of Sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere (Chapter3 59).Hydrologic cycleThe solar energy causes evaporation of water vapour on the earth’s surface into the atmosphere. Fresh water then returns to the earth’s surface as precipitation which gets locked in glaciers, some water gets stored in the ground as aquifers and the rest becomes surface runoff, which means water flows into lakes and streams, eventually flowing into the oceans. This process of evaporation, precipitation and percolation is a continuous cycle and is called the Water or Hydrologic cycle. This is therefore a global cycle that that collects, purifies, distributes and recycles the earth’s water supply (Chapter3 53, 54).There are three main ways by which humans are affected, they are as follows – Firstly, fresh water is obtained from streams, lakes and underground water. Secondly, land vegetation is cleared to build roa ds and construction buildings, for mining and for agricultural purposes. This process destroys wetlands and causes soil erosion, landslides and flooding. Thirdly, various nutrients in the form of fertilizers (phosphates and nitrates) and other pollutants are added to water causing imbalance in the ecological process that involves the purification of water (Chapter3 54, 55).Works CitedChapter 3. Ecosystems: What are they and how do they work? Environmental ScienceNow. Nutrition cycle This paper gives the summary of the Nutrition cycle in the atmosphere. The Carbon cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Phosphorous cycle, Sulfur cycle and Hydrologic cycle are all discussed. The paper also mentions how the human activity has affected these cycles.Carbon cycleThe Carbon Cycle is the circulation of carbon, fats, proteins, DNA and many other organic compounds that is required for life in the biosphere. It makes up for 0.038% of the volume of troposphere and is also present in water. The carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere is balanced by the generating, removing (terrestrial and aquatic producers) and cooling in the cycle. Any small changes in this cycle will affect the climate and life forms on the earth (Chapter3 55).Photosynthesis converts Carbon Dioxide into glucose. Aerobic respiration then breaks glucose and organic compounds and reconverts it to Carbon Dioxide and is released into the atmosphere. Recycling of Carbon takes place in the form of decomposition of dead plant ma tter to give fossil fuels such as coal and oil. These fossil fuels are non renewable energy (Chapter3 55).There are two main ways by which humans are affected, they are as follows – Firstly, humans clear trees and plants that help in photosynthesis and absorbs Carbon Dioxide. Secondly, Carbon Dioxide is added back to the atmosphere by burning wood and fossil fuels. The addition of Carbon Dioxide and other gases enhances the Earth’s natural green house effect. All this leads to global warming which affects the food produced and wildlife, temperature, precipitation and increases sea levels (Chapter3 55).Nitrogen cycleNitrogen is available in large quantities in the atmosphere but cannot be directly used or absorbed by mutlicellular plants and animals. Nitrogen gas makes up for 78% of the volume of the troposphere   Ã‚  Atmospheric discharges like lighting, bacteria in aquatic systems in soil and the roots of plants convert the Nitrogen available into Nutrients that can be absorbed by plants or animals. This process is known as the Nitrogen Cycle (Chapter3 55).The process consists of Nitrification which converts nitrite ions to nitrate ions. Then Ammonification occurs wherein bacteria convert the detritus into simple nitrogen containing compounds such as Ammonia and water soluble salts (Ammonium ions). Denitrification then converts the Ammonia and Ammonium ions back into nitrite and nitrate ions and then further into Nitrogen gas and Nitrous gas, which is released into the atmosphere (Chapter3 55, 56).There are many ways by which humans are affected; some of them are as follows – First, Acid rain consisting of Nitrogen Dioxide and Nitric Acid causes damages in the form of acid depositions. Second, livestock and inorganic fertilizers release Nitrous Oxide into the atmosphere. This affects the ozone layer. Third, Nitrates contaminate groundwater making it harmful to drink. Fourth, Destruction of forests, wetlands and grasslands release Nitrog en compounds into the troposphere. Fifth, aquatic ecosystems is disturbed when too much nitrates is released. Sixth, Harvesting of Nitrogen rich crops, irrigation and then burning or clearing of topsoil before replanting crops removes Nitrogen in the topsoil (Chapter3 56).Phosphorous cyclePhosphorus circulation occurs through the water, earth’s crust and then the living organisms. The Phosphorus cycle is slower and flows from land to the oceans. It is found as Phosphate salts such as Phosphate ions present in terrestrial rock formations and sediments at the bottom of the ocean. Water flows erodes these inorganic compounds and transfers it to the oceans where deposition occurs. This sedimentation limits the growth of plants as it is only slightly soluble but very harmful (Chapter3 57, 58).There are three main ways by which humans are affected, they are as follows – Firstly, Phosphate rock mining is done to make inorganic fertilizers and detergents. Secondly, deforestati on of tropical forests causes reduction of phosphate in tropical soils. Thirdly, aquatic life is disturbed due to Phosphates in animal wastes, fertilizers and sewage (Chapter3 58, 59).Sulfur cycleSulfur circulation occurs through the biosphere. Sulfur is stored underground in rocks and minerals; these also include sulfate salts that are buried in ocean sediments. Sulfur enters the atmosphere as Hydrogen Sulfides, Sulfur dioxides, Sufides and Sulfate salts. Acid deposition occurs due to the conversion of Sulfur Dioxide to Sulfur trioxide and then to Sulfuric acid, which along with air pollution harms tress and aquatic life (Chapter3 59).There are three main ways by which humans are affected, they are as follows – Firstly, burning of coal and oil to produce electric power adds Sulfur into the atmosphere. Secondly, Refining of Sulfur containing petroleum is done to give gasoline, heating oil and many other products. Thirdly, metallic mineral ores containing Sulfur are converted into free metals like copper, lead and zinc, this process releases huge amount of Sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere (Chapter3 59).Hydrologic cycleThe solar energy causes evaporation of water vapour on the earth’s surface into the atmosphere. Fresh water then returns to the earth’s surface as precipitation which gets locked in glaciers, some water gets stored in the ground as aquifers and the rest becomes surface runoff, which means water flows into lakes and streams, eventually flowing into the oceans. This process of evaporation, precipitation and percolation is a continuous cycle and is called the Water or Hydrologic cycle. This is therefore a global cycle that that collects, purifies, distributes and recycles the earth’s water supply (Chapter3 53, 54).There are three main ways by which humans are affected, they are as follows – Firstly, fresh water is obtained from streams, lakes and underground water. Secondly, land vegetation is cleared to build roa ds and construction buildings, for mining and for agricultural purposes. This process destroys wetlands and causes soil erosion, landslides and flooding. Thirdly, various nutrients in the form of fertilizers (phosphates and nitrates) and other pollutants are added to water causing imbalance in the ecological process that involves the purification of water (Chapter3 54, 55).Works CitedChapter 3. Ecosystems: What are they and how do they work? Environmental ScienceNow.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Film Language makes or breaks a non-print text essays

Film Language makes or breaks a non-print text essays If you read a written text and it has a certain effect on you, for instance it makes you scared, we can look closely at the way the text has been constructed to see how the writer has used the tools at their disposal to create the fear. Reading a film works in exactly the same way except that the tools that are used to create meaning are different. We call these tools film language. Film Language generally consists of the use of Camera, Light and color, sound and editing. It is therefore understandable that, without appropriate film language and direction, a film will fail to successfully convey a specific meaning or narrate a particular story. Two films in recent times that have experimented and adopted a new film language style have been The Matrix and The Blair Witch Project in which their success relied on their film language style. For most people, the first thing they say after viewing the Matrix is, the special effects were amazing or how did they do that? The film features a complex and revolutionary plot that is accompanied by groundbreaking special effects. The Matrix shows how the code of film is always changing and evolving with the arrival of new technologies and revolutionary techniques introduced by pioneering directors. A good example of this would be the use of bullet-time in The Matrix which has been used repeatedly in many films since, whether simply using the technique for the same effect as in Spiderman, or parodying it as in Shrek. The film would have never been as successful if such technologies weren't available. The atmosphere created in the Matrix is dependant on its sound, editing, and visuals, which worked together to create a surreal, yet frightening realistic environment. It used surround-sound, computer generated digital effects. When the Matrix wanted action, Hollywood turned to Hong Kong and the legendary fight choreographer,...

Monday, October 21, 2019

the rennisance essays

the rennisance essays The Renaissance, which began in Italy in 1300s, was one of the largest periods of growth and development in Western Europe. The increase in trade caused an abundance in wealth that resulted in the focusing on the arts. Such things as literature, paintings, sculptures and many more works are known to have blossomed from the period known as the Renaissance. Many other important occurrences, such as the Reformation and split of the Roman Catholic Church, caused by the opposing views of Martin Luther and the beliefs of corruption within the Church. In the year 1305 the Roman Catholic Church was relocated from Rome to France. With this the power of the Papal States was divided among the region's leading families. Starting near the year 1300 the demand for reform began to grow at a rapid pace. By the 1600's close to half of the practicing Catholics in Western Europe had left the Church to join one of the new reformer religious groups. This reform brought about new ways of thought and new attitudes towards religion and the human race. The young German scholar realized that the way to salvation was "justification by faith." Martin Luther's beliefs were deemed to be heretic in nature and he was hidden away by a German prince. The eight crusades to retake Jerusalem from the Muslims, played key rolls in the period of the Renaissance. The Crusades, which took place before the period of the Renaissance, are a major factor in the coming about or "birth" of the Renaissance. The eight Crusades were the efforts to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims. These Crusades introduced to Western Europe the new tastes of art, fine quinines and new types of cloth, including silk. With this the need for trade with the Far East increased drastically. This increase in trade caused an abundance of wealth in Western Europe which intern brought new products and goods to Western Europe. Without the Crusades, which brought back lost works from the...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Use Facebook Targeting to Optimize Your Audience In CoSchedule

How to Use Facebook Targeting to Optimize Your Audience In Why do we spend so much time researching target audiences? Because we want to make sure our messages reach the right people. Sometimes, though, social media makes it hard to reach just the people you want to talk to. On Facebook, however, theres an underused feature called audience targeting that makes this possible. Facebook audience optimization  allows you to customize which users will see your content, so that its more specific to that audience. In return, this will increase engagement for your Facebook posts with  targeted audiences. And targeting the right audience is crucial for success.  One of the biggest mistakes marketers make today is trying to appeal to everyone. You have to get the right content in front of the right people in order to convert. And thats why were excited to introduce Facebook Targeting for . What Is Facebook Targeting? Getting to know your audience is a crucial step for successful Facebook targeting. The overall idea of targeting is having more  people engage with your posts because the content matches their interests. These posts would start to appear in their news feeds more often due to their engagement. So it could result in a boost in organic reach over time. , your all-in-one content calendar and social media toolset, now  includes audience targeting for business Facebook pages. Within , we made sharing content with your audience more specific. You can now target any piece of Facebook content to an audience that YOU define. You can define your audience in nine ways: Age Gender Relationship Status Interested In Location Language Education Level College Graduation Years Interests Each of these nine categories will help you create a more clear-cut audience to ensure your content is seen by people who care. So the big questions is:  How can you create a target audience with these categories?   Weve put together a list of real-life situations where these categories could apply to your audience. Lets take a look. How To Use Facebook Targeting To Optimize Your Audience In 1. Age Within the  Age category, the ages range from 13 to 65+ Depending on what your business is, individuals under the age of 18 arent going to need to see your content. With  Age you can select which age range you want your audience to be. At , we select ages 25-45 because we believe those are the ages of people most likely to use content marketing editorial software. Use Case: 21+ Events Are you hosting an event thats being catered with food and alcohol? Events that are strictly for individuals who are over the age of 21 are extremely popular because of the drinking age. Because of this, people under the age of 21 do not need to see posts promoting 21+ events. With Facebook Targeting from , you can hand-pick ages 21 and over. This way you are promoting to the people you want to attend your event, and not promoting to those that wont. 2. Gender Within the  Gender category, you can select  All, Male,  or  Female. Use Case: Promotions To make your posts feel more personable, you can target specifically to men or women. This becomes especially important during holidays. For example, a flower shop could create a post targeted towards men with the caption, Valentines Day is coming up. Did you remember to get her flowers? This approach makes the reader feel like it was directed towards them. Take a look at this Facebook  post directed towards women: Take this approach with anything that you are promoting. You  could create two different posts with the same graphic, but write one  message targeted towards men and one targeted towards women to make it feel more personable. 3. Relationship Status Within the  Relationship category, there are several options to choose from including  Single, In a relationship,  and  Married.   Use Case 1: Wedding Content For instance, a bridal gown shop could target their posts towards people that are engaged or in a relationship. Along with photographers who are trying to promote their business or specials such as this Facebook post: Use Case 2: Giveaways Facebook contests and giveaways are becoming increasingly popular. To make sure youre giving something away to someone who is generally interested, you can use Facebook Targeting. Cruise ships and resorts can use Facebook Targeting towards couples who are married for anniversary trip giveaways. If youre not familiar with how Facebook contests and giveaways work, ThriveHive put together a guide to help you get started. 4. Interested In Within the  Interested In  category, you can select  All, Men,  or  Women. Use Case: Dating Apps Mixer events and dating apps  can use Facebook Targeting to create posts with images directed towards people interested in men or women to  make the post more personable. Along with sharing posts that are directly related to being single, in a relationship, etc. This example ad could be targeted towards single women: 5. Location Within the  Location category, you can type in the city, state, or region. You are able to select many locations of your choosing. Use Case 1: Local Promotions If youre having an event or promotion thats specific to a certain city, then you can use Facebook Targeting to only target people that live in the city where the event or promotion is happening. You are less likely to upset audience members who do not live in this location who will not receive the discount/promotion. Lets say your store or business location in a specific city is having a marathon in town. You can create a Facebook post saying, Everyone who participated in the marathon this week will receive 30% off their purchase! This discount will only work for people living in  that  city. The same goes for events. Maybe your company is hosting a benefit dinner in a specific town. You can define your audience by targeting people living in  that  town for higher attendance rate. Use Case 2: Holidays You can also target to specific countries. For example, holidays are different in every country. If you are a business located in the United States and you want to create a 4th of July post, then you can target audience members only located in the United States. If you are a business located in Canada and you want to create a National Boxing Day post, then you can target audience members only located in Canada. 6. Language Within the  Language  category, you can type in the desired language(s) you wish to reach. Use Case: Customer Service If you are a business that creates content and posts in a certain language, then you can use Facebook Targeting to target that specific language.  If your business has a a product or service that is exclusively in English then you can target your posts to the English language. Here at we have a customer success team who responds to our customers in English. Because of this, we try to direct most of our posts to English-speaking countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom. 7. Education Level Within the  Education Level  category, there are several options such as  Bachelors Degree, High school grad,  and  Alum.   Depending on what type of content you produce, you may need an audience with a higher education level. If you are selling a in-depth product or service, its best to target to high school and college graduates.  If a company’s main customer base typically has a certain level of education, that might help them narrow their post’s targeting. Use Case 1: College Discounts With a college ID, the discounts are endless. If your business has a college discount program, you can promote to audience members that have graduated high school and are now in college. This way audience members that dont have a college ID wont be annoyed by seeing these posts. Use Case 2: College Recruitment Colleges can use  Facebook targeting to help enroll students in their university. Targeting to kids who are in high school, recent grads, or even adults who have been out of school for a while but want to continue their education can be targeted. This not only helps colleges increase their enrollment, but also helps those wanting to further their education the chance at their fingertips. 8. College Graduation Years Within the College Graduation Years category, you can type in X amount of years an individual has been out of college. Use Case: Graduation Year Promotions The purpose of Facebook Targeting is to make an audience member reading the Facebook post to feel like it was specialized for them. College graduation years are a good way of specifically targeting your audience members. For example a realtor company can create a post stating, Its been 5 years since you graduated college. Dont you think its time to buy a house? This way the reader will think it was created just for them and theyll think Wow, I DID graduate 5 years ago. I really need to buy a house! 9. Interests Within the  Interests  category, you can type in different interests you want to reach. The possibilities of interests are endless. Use Case: Targeting People With Any and Every Interest Im not kidding when I say the possibilities  are endless when it comes to targeting interests. For example a car company can target their body kit by targeting people that are interested in cars and do it yourself projects. 10. Restrictions Finally, there are some options for Audience Restrictions. Here you can select which  Age, Location, and  Language  you want to restrict. You can mix and match any of these categories to create the ultimate audience for your post. If you want a 25-year-old English speaking man that lives in the United States (who also happens to be interested in do-it-yourself car kits) then you can do just that with Facebook Targeting!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Issues That Lead to the Recession Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Issues That Lead to the Recession - Term Paper Example â€Å"A significant decline in activity across the economy, lasting longer than a few months. It is visible in industrial production, employment, real income and wholesale-retail trade. The technical indicator of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth as measured by a countrys gross domestic product (GDP); although the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) does not necessarily need to see this occur to call a recession.†(Recession†¦.) Recession hurts the government in some of the vital areas that are the supporting pillars of the economy and its impact is unfavorable news for the government budget. Government borrowings rise. Tax revenues dip low due to lower income tax and corporate tax revenues. With the steep rise in the unemployment levels, the government is obliged to extend unemployment benefits to a wider section of the society. Higher borrowing leads to higher taxes and additional interest payments in the future. As shares turn unattractive, the prices begin to dip. Lower profitability and lower dividends create a depressive mood for the investors and they look out for alternative sources of investment. The fall in share prices continues in anticipation of recessionary trends prolonging. But this is only the initial phase. When recession is at its hardest phase, the developments take a strange turn. In anticipation of economic recovery, share prices begin to recover, as the prudent investor calculates that it is the favorable time to invest from the point of view of long term gains. Falling prices of shares may be due to various other factors as well, not alone recession. The normal reaction to recession is that it should result in a lower inflation rate. The highlight of recession is it reduces demand and wage inflation. The issue to be examined is what economic factors impact the recession hard. The current recession is due to rise in oil prices. The expert opinion about this inflation is, it is bound to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Energy needs Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Energy needs - Annotated Bibliography Example The combination of all three energy sources, water, wind and solar power are much advantageous and achievable because it keeps the capacity of fulfilling the full energy needs of the world. The authors categorize the combination better than other energy sources based on their negative impact on environment in terms of global warming and all kinds of pollution. The authors support their choice with analysis of costs involved, impact of the energy sources and research work done on related issues. The costs involved in using natural sources are much less as compared to other means. The authors have done enough research work on the topic and are from educational backgrounds. The authors are in favor of natural energy resources. Overall, the article is quite useful in terms of informing about the advantageousness of natural resources over energy from biomass and nuclear power. This article can be used as a supportive piece for my research that is about energy needs as natural resources ar e a major mean of fulfilling energy needs if they are utilized

Reserch paper The Management of Innovation Essay

Reserch paper The Management of Innovation - Essay Example To explicate, therefore, is a process of describing in detail what we observe over a prolonged period of time shadowing principals, senior and middle managers, administrative and teaching staff as they go about their everyday work. This project attempts to investigate the nature of leadership and the everyday challenges of leading. It focuses on what leadership is and how it has become an ever-changing process. The text will be central to revealing the nature of leadership, relations between leaders and the led, risk-taking and entrepreneurship. In doing so, it would draw upon Richard Daft's text, Organization Theory and Design and apply his concept of the complexities of globalization (as in Chapter 6) in aiding managers design their organizations to be more effective on a global scale. As educational institutions in the word embrace new managerial and business approaches, they have simultaneously adopted a range of new technologies. This research summary reports on how information and communication technologies (ICT) are used to support aspects of educational leadership. Richard Daft makes it clear that no organization can stand still in today's reality - managers and workers have to think constantly of better ways of doing things, learn from every source, which bears knowledge, and can give the organization a better competitive advantage. Things have never moved so fast and threats and opportunities have never been so immense. Competitors have to be efficient and different to survive and stay on the top. Daft continues and presents the most recent developments in organizations' design - structures and management methods that have only emerged lately in response to the turbulences in the environments and competition worldwide. The rise of an emerging managerial philosophy of efficiency, system, and process is, according to Daft, reflected in the forms of internal communication that serve as mechanisms for managerial coordination and control. These have developed as a product not only of changing organizational needs but also of the technologies available to support them. Forms of organizational communication can thus be organized into specific and recognizable 'genres' such as letters, memorandums, meetings, agendas, proposals etc. These technologies as used by principals and senior managers within colleges not only to account for, but also to promote and disseminate, specific leadership visions and objectives. The overflow of more general managerial philosophies into the realm of globalizations in recent years has included the need to demonstrate competence, compliance and effectiveness to a variety of audiences. Going with Daft's idea1, the purpose of my study would suggest that this need for visible competence is now a dominant theme, driven by external inspection, funding and governance mechanisms as well as the service culture expectations of users and other stakeholders. Such 'audit cultures' (Strathern, 2000) are increasingly common in both

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Four hour in my lai Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Four hour in my lai - Movie Review Example The U.S. servicemen expressed their experiences and their remorse in participating in one of the tragic events in the U.S. history which included murdering of old men, women and even children and rape and torture of young women and girls at the hands of the trained military personnel. The Pinkville massacre as it was popularly referred to, occurred in an quiet little village in Central Vietnam, which suddenly found itself caught in the center of a bitter war between the Americans and the Vietcong – a pro-communist guerilla army that was resisting the American advancement in their country. The Charlie Co., was hence given an order to kill everyone in the village including old men, women and children as they were perceived to be sympathetic to the Vietcong and weren’t helping or assisting the Americans in the war. The prevalent sentiment within the warring camps was that anyone who wasn’t supporting the Americans was automatically perceived as an enemy and a threat to the national security. The uncovering of the actual brutalities during the war by a former American GI Ron Ridenhour spurred the investigation of the massacre culminating into a huge public outcry and national anguish. Disturbing comparisons were made between the Nazis and the bru talities caused by the Charlie Co., in Vietnam. The movie highlights the pervasive fear of the Americans of the communists and their need to control as the only defense against

Comparing Education System for Design in All Cultures Essay

Comparing Education System for Design in All Cultures - Essay Example The objectives of comparative education are: To describe educational systems, results or developments; To assist in the growth of educational practices and institutions; To highlight the associations linking society and education; To outline generalized reports concerning education significant in more than one nation. The letter Q represents the question while the letter R represents the response. Q What are the elements that contribute to an education system being suitable for all cultures? R There are five vital essentials that add to an educational system capability to become further culturally competent. The system should: Value diversity; Have the competence for cultural self-evaluation; Be aware of the dynamics inbuilt when the diverse cultures intermingle; Institutionalize cultural comprehension; Develop variations to educational practices depicting an understanding of the multiplicity connecting and within the diverse cultures. Moreover, manifestation these five fundamentals ought to be in each level of the educational practices and systems. The reflection of these fundamentals should be evident in policies, attitudes, structures and services. Q What are the new learning cultures that can be integrated into the educational systems? R The designing of improved education support systems for the prospect, requires conceptualization of both identity and cultural diversity, in minimal clear-cut terms and examine them entirely across multiple timescales. Educational support classifications for the most part, have overlooked the basic alterations to contemporary education cultures. School-based education severs off itself from the online communities, social networks, and peer and media foundation learning practices of learners. Non-school education might be far more successful in relation to students’ identities and consequently causative to long-term improvement. Community cultures and individual identities nowadays are dynamically receptive to interme diate opportunities. They are extremely adaptable collections of identification and affiliations, with threads of permanence that braid into exceptional life educational biographies. It is the personal and exceptional differences between participants, ensuing from their traversals across and involvement in other communities, which are subjects for the richness of education in whichever community. Q Describe the educational differences that may exist between different cultures, which may affect the learning of the students. R In most learning institutions, education is through comprehension of textbooks, asking questions and note taking. Teaching is consistent, and lecturing is universal. However, not all individuals are capable of learning through this technique. In some communities, learning is through spoken communication and course books might not be accessible. Furthermore, some cultural organizations do not emphasize the notion of the exact time. In other cultures, children lea rn by illustration, thus, may find it tough to study by rote memorization of hypothesis and facts. Consequently, some students whose cultural custom differs from a homogeneous educational system may be wrongly labeled, lose concentration and have difficulties learning. Q Highlight the factors that may impede the association of students from different cultures. R Biases that have

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Four hour in my lai Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Four hour in my lai - Movie Review Example The U.S. servicemen expressed their experiences and their remorse in participating in one of the tragic events in the U.S. history which included murdering of old men, women and even children and rape and torture of young women and girls at the hands of the trained military personnel. The Pinkville massacre as it was popularly referred to, occurred in an quiet little village in Central Vietnam, which suddenly found itself caught in the center of a bitter war between the Americans and the Vietcong – a pro-communist guerilla army that was resisting the American advancement in their country. The Charlie Co., was hence given an order to kill everyone in the village including old men, women and children as they were perceived to be sympathetic to the Vietcong and weren’t helping or assisting the Americans in the war. The prevalent sentiment within the warring camps was that anyone who wasn’t supporting the Americans was automatically perceived as an enemy and a threat to the national security. The uncovering of the actual brutalities during the war by a former American GI Ron Ridenhour spurred the investigation of the massacre culminating into a huge public outcry and national anguish. Disturbing comparisons were made between the Nazis and the bru talities caused by the Charlie Co., in Vietnam. The movie highlights the pervasive fear of the Americans of the communists and their need to control as the only defense against

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

John F. Kennedy, the Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

John F. Kennedy, the Film - Essay Example Kennedy. Overtime, there have been numerous theories and wild speculation as to what and who was really behind the events of that fateful day. Some of these are brought out in Oliver Stone’s 1991 film, JFK. In this movie, the producer outlines some of the events following the infamous assassination through his eyes. It is a film that has been met with a great deal of criticism, with critics dismissing Oliver as a conspiracy peddler. This essay examines some of the controversy surrounding the movie and outlines the criticisms advanced against it. In the film, the primary theory advanced by Oliver Stone is that the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, did not act alone. Following the murder of John Kennedy, there were brisk investigations into the occurrence. Earl Warren, the then Supreme Court Justice presided over the hearings. In the end, the commission drew the conclusion that Lee Oswald did, in fact carry out the assassination by himself (Knight, 62). For this reason, it does not c ome as a surprise that there is controversy surrounding the suggestion by Oliver Stone that Lee Oswald was just a pawn in the plot to assassinate the president. In the movie, Oliver Stone brings out the conspiracy angle, arguing that there were many people that wanted to see the president dead, including the Mafia, the next president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and the CIA (Stone â€Å"JFK).

Wendys Case Study Essay Example for Free

Wendys Case Study Essay Introduction: The case objective was to analyze Wendy’s previous and current strategy and the accounting report to decide whether or not to add the chili on the new menu. In another word, we will test if the chili still does a large contribution to the total revenue of Wendy’s. 1. Wendy’s success is based on the combination of product differentiation, market segmentation, quality food, quick service, and reasonable prices. We will talk about each on the following: Product differentiation: The most important product of Wendy’s is the â€Å"old fashioned† hamburger. This is a hamburger made from fresh beef and is squared in a unique shape so as to differentiate from the others’. Wendy’s made the concept of â€Å"limited menu† that just includes four main products so as to be convenient for customers to choose the food. Market segmentation: Young adults and adults are the main target customers of Wendy’s when it is found. The target group is sufficient in size to merit disproportionate attention and it is growing over time. Its potential profitability is considerably greater than its size. Quality food: â€Å"Quality is our recipe† is the permanent part of Wendy’s logo. In Wendy’s, Quality not only just means the food they served but also includes the way they treated customers and employees. Wendy’s quality services range from â€Å"old fashioned† hamburger which is made from fresh beef that was cooked to order and served directly from the grill to customers, to the layout of their restaurant and franchises that is specially designed. Quick service: Dave’s initial goal is to build the first restaurant in Columbus that can get a really good hamburger without waiting 30 minutes. Wendy’s set a dining room that is designed to seat 92 customers, and a pick-up window to serve drive-thru customers in every restaurant and expand the scale continuously. Reasonable prices: Wendy’s believe that one way for them to remain price competitive and still serve a better quality product was to limit the number of menu items. For example, they save the materials from making chili which is from â€Å"well-done† beef patties that could not be served as â€Å"hot ‘n juicy† old fashioned hamburgers. 2. The Wendy’s â€Å"limited menu† was launched by Mr. Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s, in early days. He decided that their menu only contains four main products: hamburgers, chili, french fries, and Wendy’s Frosty Dairy Dessert. By pursuing this special â€Å"limited menu†, Wendy’s remains the price competitive and gains above average returns. However, with the increasing of competitive of competitive pressures and changing customer demands, Wendy’s had no choice but to add other foods in their menu such as chicken and baked potatoes. By studying the Wendy’s â€Å"limited menu†, we think that the â€Å"limited menu† is a double-edged sword for this company. Advantage: It is the foundation of Wendy’s strategy that differentiated Wendys from McDonalds and Burger King. It increased the company’s benefit and reputation. Secondly, it improved the quality of products and reduced the cost due to the increasing of working efficiency. Moreover, it also saved customers’ time in ordering. Disadvantage: With the improving of human life, there is a growing demand of product variety. As we see it, it would hardly be a long term solution to serve such a large amount of increasing customers. Although giving up the â€Å"limited menu† may lead the company to loss some of benefits, it is good for company’s long term development. Wendy’s aggressively introduce new menu to their restaurants to respond to increasing competitive pressures and changing customer demand in the quick-service industry. The company’ competitors had substantially improved the quality of their products, service, facilities, and menu items, so the â€Å"limited menu† is not Wendy’s competitive advantage any more. 3. Wendy’s drive-thru window is more successful than their competitors has following reasons. First is their site selection of restaurants. Wendy’s restaurants were usually located in urban or densely populated suburban areas, and their success depended upon serving a large volume of customers. Secondly, Wendy’s â€Å"limited menu† makes it convenient for customers to order. on the other side, it boosts employees’ efficiency. That’s the main reason why Wendy’s achieved above average returns than other competitors at the beginning.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Challenges Facing Cultural Diversity

The Challenges Facing Cultural Diversity These days cultural diversity plays a significant role in a company. The criteria discriminating these groups include race, geographic basis, civilization, gender, age, functional or educational background, physical and cognitive competence, language, lifestyles, beliefs, cultural background, economic category, occupancy with the organization and sexual preference. As a MNC works in a global market it must be ready to detect all possible changes in the global environment and it has to be able to communicate and adapt the identity of the company to them. For example in India womens will not work for night so they have to manage time for their convenience. The company cant offer quality products or services to the customers if it doesnt understand and take in account the impact that the culture has in all the processes. Workers usually think that their behavior hasnt got any influence on the final product or service, but to be effective, every part must have a clear vision of the company and a clear mission on it. The social, political and enterprise structure depends on everyone in the company, so the internal area and the human resources, one of the most important areas of a company, must be developed with the rest of the company to achieve their goals. The misunderstanding and ignoring of different cultures, language and historical background lead to disasters in the field of setting up multinational business. To avoid this, a general knowledge of another nations culture and history is essential. So general cultural knowledge, if coupled with prejudice and prejudgment, is an obstacle to effective global management. 2.1 Communication and language barriers One main challenge under culture is language barriers. Communication is necessary for management. Yet communication relies upon a common language, a condition that does not exist in many global business situations and that is when the problems start. The most pronounced sign of the language barrier at work can be found in the relationship between a multinational parent company and its network of global subsidiaries. Several factors contribute to the difficulty of achieving and sustaining effective communications and a productive, collaborative relationship. Even if an employee is relatively competent in the language of the other party, loss of rhetorical skills is always present as the use of humor, symbolism, sensitivity, negotiation, persuasion and motivation requires a very high level of fluency. 2.2 Attitudes towards Appointments and Deadlines In America, Americans were give strict obedience to time commitments and it was a basic principle of professionalism and polite behavior. Because everything tends to be strictly scheduled, postponements in one appointment or deadline can have a serious ripple effect on a coworker or customers other work commitments. But for example: The more flexible and open-ended approach to time of Indian and Sri Lankan businesses culture can create tensions and adverse impressions on American counterparts 3. MNC Workforce Diversity Multinational Companies (MNC) had to face a number of new challenges in their daily business over the past couple of years. Globalization changed various things for global players. In general MNC structure shows a focus on their main resources and departments like finance, technology, marketing, sales and production, because they want to have a large number of customers and to earn profit. A huge challenge MNC have to manage is their workforce diversity. The milestone research by Hofstede with 116,000 recruits of IBM, a giant MNC in 50 countries and 3 regions recognized four cultural values in the workplace: Individualism-collectivism, Power difference, Uncertainty avoidance and masculinity-femininity. For example: the United States was the greatest and Guatemala was lowest in individualism. Malaysia was the highest and Austria was the lowest in the power distance values. Greece was the highest and Singapore was the lowest in the uncertainty avoidance values. Japan was the highest and Sweden was the lowest in the masculinity values. There have been significant amount of intercultural and cross-cultural studies with these cultural values, and some studies demonstrated the relationship between communication styles with some of these values. Because of this diversity one of the key success factors of MNC is the recruitment and selection of human resources who offer valuable uniqueness. These individuals are forming the values and beliefs of a business. There are two key challenges within global HRM specifically building global corporate cultures and developing global leaders that have to be mastered in order to manage diversity and be successful in the global business surroundings. Managing diversity in MNC during HRM To manage workforce diversity in MNC its a challenge for the human resource management to set up a global corporate culture. To recognize with the corporate culture of the company is the most significant thing for the workforce. That is why building a global corporate culture is one of the most important challenges for Multinational Companies. Employee behavior is possibly the most critical challenge that multinational organizations have to deal with. In Multinational Companies there is a huge potential of conflicts, because of its diverse personalities. As a result of this anxieties will arise among employees. Individuals try to adapt their behaviors to fit the demands of a particular environment. In order to adapt to the environment, individuals sacrifice their individualities to fit in with their new cooperatives. Individuals become incorporated into the culture of an organization when they are successfully understood into the workplace. Successful cultural adaptation reduces members anxiety, role conflict, and intentions to leave. Additionally, successful adaptation increases organizational obligation, job satisfaction, confidence, and job familiarity as well as successful acculturation and establishment of relationship. 4. Challenges of Working across Culture 4.1Stereotyping They are usually misrepresentations and inaccuracies fixed in false guesses and faulty analysis. Usually this valuation is seen in a negative perspective. The challenges to organizations are to acknowledge differences in positive terms. Power struggles and can be the result of stereotyping in organizations. For example, placing women, who stereotypically have had lower status than men in society; in senior management positions create status incongruence in the minds of many of the people. This can root complexities in the leader/subordinate relationship and can root power differences in a business. This is done in such a way that affiliates of minority groups may find it hard to use influence over decision processes in the organization. 4.2 Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism results when managers identify the differences in cultures but have a propensity to think that their culture and their way of doing things is the right way, their way of doing things is the only way and the best way. Any difference from their culture or from their way of doing things is seen as distortion or as a mistake or as Wrong way. Most people have the propensity to pursue ethnocentrism. Americans, Japanese, Chinese, Germans, French, Scandinavians, and Russians are more prone to ethnocentrism than other cultures when compared to other Asians, Latin Americans, British, Australians, Africans and Indians. 4.3Informal Integration Informal groups play a significant role in any business. They influence both the success of the business and the career success of individuals. Total quality plans depend heavily on employee contribution and informal networks can greatly impact this process. Informal groups are influenced by factors such as common language, perceived social similarity, and ethnocentrism. These collective networks are critical for communication in organizations. It has been found that race has a major effect on collective networking. This is not astonishing as you would expect people to have a preference for interaction with members of ones own culture group, especially in an informal context. 4.4 Parochial Attitude Parochial attitude refers to a persons incapability to see cultural diversity. This is exactly the reverse of ethnocentrism. Managers who are sent overseas frequently meet people who are also dressed in suits and speak their language this prompts them to disregard all other cultural differences and make them feel that all others are just like us. In todays business globe, most people are apt to dress similarly in suits or other formulas and talk in English, but this does not indicate that all people have the same culture but people often only see the surface and think that the other person shares the same cultural values. Managers from US/UK often tend to display a strong parochial attitude mainly because the people with whom they relate on regular basis can speak English and are dressed similarly in suits or western dresses.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Maslows Theory of Human Motivation Essay example -- essays research p

In order to understand the human condition, one must first understand what it is that motivates humans. It follows that we must then look to the motivator, the brain. The human brain works in such a way as to satisfy a series of needs. Abraham H. Maslow’s theory of human motivation (1954) explains the sequence by which humans move through levels of concentration so as to best satisfy these needs. Maslow’s pyramid (1954), a five-tiered structure, represents a summary of this theory. Maslow (1954) postulates that in order for one to focus his/her attention on the ultimate goal at the apex of the pyramid, self-actualization, one must first fulfill the needs at the subordinate levels. At the lowest level of the chart are the physiological needs, followed by the need for safety, the belongingness and love needs, the esteem needs, and finally culminating in self-actualization. This paper will demonstrate how various brain mechanisms work to satisfy each echelon of needs, and fu rther, how as all lesser needs are met, the individual may refocus his/her concentration to ascend the hierarchy towards self-actualization. According to Maslow’s pyramid, the basest of human needs are physiological, in particular homeostasis and appetite. These necessities must be met before human consciousness can progress to the next level of concentration. Maslow’s theory gains support upon examining the breakdown of how the brain functions. Carter (1998) explains that the lateral and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei are largely responsible for controlling when one feels hungry. While the lateral nucleus is responsible for detecting declining blood glucose levels, the ventromedial senses rising glucose levels. Thus, the lateral nucleus signals hunger while the ventromedial signals fullness. These nuclei are therefore responsible for making sure that the human body has the proper amount of fuel and nutrients. While these functions are not controlled by the conscious mind, in cases of extreme hunger the need to sate one’s appetite becomes the primary motivator in one’s actions (Maslow 1954). When a human being’s concern lies at this level of the pyramid, it can be said that (s)he is concerned with more primal matters, as opposed to the higher tiers when man’s state of mind is focused on “higher thou... was the case with Vladimir Nabakov who claimed that different sounds, such as letters, each evoked disparate hues (Carter 1998). Realizing personal potential in people like Vladimir may include creating works of art representing their unique experiences, while people not born with this condition will self-actualize in other ways, such as business. The underlying theme is that each person has a distinctly different ability to help him/her move upwards through the social class system. Utilizing the anterior cingulate cortex and focusing on one’s specific talents, is the way in which the civilized brain achieves self-actualization. As can be seen, human needs as dictated by the brain follow a distinct pecking order. Although human wants and desires are fulfilled in far more complex manners than a simple level-to-level ascension, Maslow’s pyramid provides a clearer understanding of the basic processes by which the human brain discerns what the conciousness should be most occupied with. Further, once the brain focuses on the object of desire, it may work in such as way as to satisfy that desire and thus ensure that the human being is prosperous and well-adjusted.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Does watching too much television have an impact on behavior Essay

It is very evident that television plays a tremendous role in the society we live in. It can spark imagination, creativity, even take a person out of reality and put them into an imaginary world. Television keeps you informed with news and current events going on around the world, it can take you to unknown places that a person otherwise would never be able to visit, it provides access to the arts, even music and so much more. Although most people look at television as an entertaining and educational way to spend time, some people think there is too much violence in television and that is influencing young members of society into becoming aggressive in nature and learn tolerate violence. Can extensive watching of television cause a significant negative impact on the behavior of the youth today? TV can play a very important role in shaping a person attitude, and behavior but can all TV programs have a negative impact on behavior? Let’s take a look at some of the statistics of television for us to understand a little more about why TV is blamed for bad behavior in youth and adults. According to Nationmaster. com 98. 5 percent of homes in the United States have at least one TV with ninety percent having at least two televisions and eighty-seven percent of homes have at the least a DVD player or VCR. (Nationmaster) With so many homes having TV’s, television has become a debatable issue as many researchers and psychologist question the influence of programs on the attitudes and behavior of today’s youth. According to psychological researches done on youths, violence on television can have a negative impact on the youth. It is estimated that by the time a child starts high school that child will have viewed 8,000 to 10,000 acts of violence whether it be from watching cartoons or a drama crime show. (Villani) Children, who are allowed to view programs in which the violence is very realistic, are more likely to try to imitate what they see on the show. Children that already have emotional, behavioral or control problems may be even more heavily influenced than a child that does not have the emotional ties. Young children and young adults can even be affected by what they are watching even when they have a stable family atmosphere that shows no tendency towards violence. A Study done in October of 2007 showed that out of 3,205 children between the ages of eight and sixteen who watched more than two hours of television in a twenty-four hour period was associated with problems with aggressive behavior towards family and peers. â€Å"Most of the scientific evidence†¦ reveals a relationship between television and aggressive behavior. While few would say that there is absolute proof that watching television caused aggressive behavior, the overall cumulative weight of all the studies gives credence to the position that they are related. â€Å"Essentially, television violence is one of the things that may lead to aggressive, antisocial, or criminal behavior. † (Signorielli) Television is not the only factor in causing aggression among today’s youth, there are many factors. However, television is one of the greatest factors that can cause aggressive behavior in children. This is especially evident in the U. S.  Many criminals confess that their violent actions or attitudes were encouraged by TV. This is becoming a great problem of our society as the rate of criminal behavior is constantly growing. With so much crime being showed on television, it can negatively affect children’s attitude towards school, lifestyle, career, family, and even their future. Television programs should be monitored by parents and limited to the amount of time spent watching TV that does have crime related scenes. Parents should also explain to the child that the violence they see on television is not real and what the consequences would be if it were real.

16th Century Story-Romeo and Juliet

16th century was the golden period for English literature culminating from the age of Renaissance born from the deathbed of medieval scholasticism to whole new thoughts, ideas and culture. The human thoughts were free from the bondage of fixed principles of Aristotelian philosophy to the doctrines of Christianity. The period of Renaissance implied a perception of greater beauty and polish in the Greek and Latin Scholars. In other words, it was a birth of a kind of new inventiveness in classicism. The renaissance revived ancient classical learning into an arena of Dramatics. Play writers from liturgical play shifted to the miracle to morality and from the morality to the interlude and from their journey began to with the regular drama of Elizabethan age.Play writers began to avoid classicist approach in favor of originality and secular ideas defying the old conventional ways. In this air of new thoughts and ideologies and certain social obstructions plaguing the theater world, there w as born William Shakespeare, a new soul to whom Ben Johnson a worthy rival and harsh critic gave his glowing tribute with these words:â€Å"Soul of the age!Applause! Delight! the wonder of our stage !Triumph, my Britain! Thou hast one to show,To whom all scenes of Europe homage owe.He was not of an age, but for all the time. (Payne & Hunter 2003)Shakespeare genius operated in his capacity to capture the length and breath of human life’s and character in all its complexity and variety and has touched every element of human experience and every segment of human sensibility. Within his plays are interlaced the stories in all his variegated form whether it was passion of Othello or agonized sense and spirited Hamlet or the tortured souls of romantic couple Romeo and Juliet. Story of Romeo and Juliet breathes within the heart and soul of lovers for many generations ahead and is admired and loved by very one.It was Romeo & Juliet that has made Shakespeare realized his full potenti al as play writer, and he could have been 26 years old then and made him stand apart than the rest of his contemporaries.   It was written around 1595 when the major tremor struck London in 1540, and he mentioned this episode through the voice of Nurse in Act 11, scene 3, line 23. (Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation 1996)Romeo and Juliet should not be visualized as only a tragic love story but deep within lies prejudices of tradition and practices that was the hallmark of the society 16th century. Society demanded women and men, both to adhere to family honor by following the tradition of families even if it was at the cost of bloodshed and the end of love. It is a story of love that flourished even though there was a strong rivalry between two families reaching to the extent of killings.Montagues and the Capulets are enemies, always ready to take revenge on each other, entangling themselves in bloody feud on the streets of Verona. Each time one member of a family is killed, h is relatives will be eager to sort revenge by taking blood of the other and if any one found Romeo meeting Juliet, he is sure to get killed. In this environment of deep hatred and bloodshed, Shakespeare gave a very fervent place to love. Lovers enjoy each others company and bestow their affection for each other, and say all what lovers would love to say to each other. Till today, lovers take the example of love of Romeo and Juliet.It is better to die rather than live without their love, is an essence that spreads through Romeo Juliet and within all of us. They both meet strangely and it is misunderstanding that kills them both. It was the love at first sight and it is to the Shakespeare genius that he told to all the lovers the fact that love at first sight could culminate in true love.The story start with these lines:â€Å"Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands uncl ean† (Act I, Prologue)And amidst all the confusions and in an effort to meet, both Romeo and Juliet die. Their death was the beginning of new rays of hope for the peace. Both died but it was the love finally that won. The play culminates with the words:â€Å"For never was a story of more woe (sorrow) Than this of Juliet and her Romeo†. (Act V, Scene III)Romeo and Juliet have all the elements that could make it a good story. It has a plot, climax, accurate settings, characters, symbolism and theme that have made it one of the masterpieces. Amidst this, Shakespeare has knitted very beautifully elements of both distressing scenes but along with that humor, bloody battles and civil enmity, and naive love and unapprised hate formed the part of this play. The setting of Romeo and Juliet took place in the cities of Verona and Mantua, Italy, within a span of four days. Majority of the action took place at Verona except the scene Act V, scene 1 which occurred in Mantua.The setti ngs reveal the social life with certain political nuances. Verona became a battlefield due to bloody revenges between Capulet and Montague families and it was a place where Romeo and Juliet were told that they should hate each other owing to their genre. Romeo and Juliet shower their love for each other at the fruitful Capulet orchard at Verona, whereas at Mantua, Romeo is exiled after he kills Tybalt.  The lovers took their lives too at the Capulet tomb.Weather also plays a most crucial aspect to settings. It is a month of July when major incidents happen. The July is a hot season good enough to escalate the tempers of every one. Temper of characters rises high quite often even at the slightest pretext and ends only after bloody revenge. Romeo in whose heart there is an ardent love for Juliet; he too takes revenge on Tybalt and is banished. In the end, without any second thought thinking Juliet is dead, he kills himself. The hot weather is also a sign of igniting the sexual and l ove passion between Romeo and Juliet.The play starts with a prologue, as was the general tendency among play writers of that era, which is followed by the sequence of events covered in five acts. Unlike other Shakespearean plays, there is a single plot, which is enacted onstage and is in chronological order. There are no flashbacks and the focus is shown on Romeo throughout the play. The structure of plot is very well developed with exposition, climax, rising and falling action, denouement and symbolism. The climax arises at several points in the story. In one of them, it reaches the point when Juliet takes a drink pretending to be dead and Romeo did not receive the correct letter.Shakespeare uses less of symbolism yet it is a very important part of the play. Light and Dark images reflects the intensity of love that is sparking between Romeo and Juliet and their glory of happiness when they are together and sadness when separated. The light and dark images are the symbolic of devili sh yet powerful forces bringing them together and also separating them. Darkness brings Romeo and Juliet together whereas light separates them, but darkness again prevails when Romeo dies. In other words, world is not stable but is a constantly changing.There is always a light after day and day after light. The other symbols are swords representing violent attitude and poison which is not basically evil as it was given to Juliet by Friar Lawrence to make her appear dead. But the irony of the fact is that this potion became a cause of the death. Thus it adopts dual purpose. It became a cause of death but rejoined the two bitter enemies. Another symbol thumb biting by the buffoonish Samson is not a very important symbol but shows the incoherent pride and vulgur display of power.Romeo and Juliet’s characters breath life but not much effort is given to character development. Unlike Macbeth, it is a plot that has generated much interest. The more emphasis is give to the character of Romeo who looses temper very soon. He is just a teen whose love at first sight changes the whole scenario and life of both the families.Shakespeare is world’s greatest play writer and all this elements are so well structured together that they make us realize emotions and appeals of lovebirds within our souls. Society crushed their love by their intriguing patterns and traditional approach, yet from the play, also emerges that eventually in the end it is the love only that always blossom.Romeo and Juliet is a true reflection of society of 15-16th century. Royal families pride and their sense of revenge take their and their relatives and even their children on the bed of blood. But this is not an end though Romeo and Juliet died yet they are there within all of us inspiring in us the true love.With poetic diction and eloquent words, Shakespeare challenges the old traditional ways to give fresh lease of life. It is an end of Romeo and Juliet but a beginning for many more Rom eo and Juliet’s in this world.REFERENCE LISTBates Alfred. 1906. ROMEO AND JULIET: An analysis of the play by Shakespeare The Drama: Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization Vol. 14. pp. 6-13. London: Historical Publishing Company. Retrieved on January 13, 2008 from W.W.W: William. 1817. ROMEO AND JULIET: An analysis of the play by William Shakespeare. (Originally published in Characters of Shakespeare's Plays. London: C.H. Reynell) Retrieved on January 13, 2008 from W.W.W: Bill. The Power and Passion of Love and Hate: A Review of Romeo and Juliet. Retrieved on January 13, 2008 from W.W.W:   Amanda. 2000. (Updated: 2006) An Analysis of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.   Shakespeare Online. Retrieved on January 13, 2008 from ysis/romeocommentary.htmlMowat Barbara A.   and Werstine Paul. 1992. Romeo and Juliet. New Folger Library Shakespeare edition.Payne Michael & Hunter John. 2003. Renaissance Literature: An Anthology. Blackwell Publishing.Shakespeare William.2001. Romeo and Juliet (Contributor Roma Gill) Published by Oxford University Press.Siegal Paul N. 1961. Christianity and the Religion of Love in Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare Quarterly 12(4) pp. 371-392Smirnov Aleksandr. 1936. Shakespeare: A Marxist Interpretation. (Translated by SONIA VOLOCHOVA, Transcribed by Sally Ryan for, 2000.) New York: The Critics Group.Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. 1996. The Tragedy. Retrieved on January 13, 2008 from W.W.W:

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Are Punchlines Necessary for Ads? Essay

Punch lines are the need for advertising the product as they are necessary for a product to be unique and be different. For example: â€Å"The complete man† which makes us remember the company Raymonds. Punch lines are important to make the customer remember about the product identity. It helps to recall a product easily. But it cannot rule the advertisement as ultimately the customer remembers quality and cost. Customer only sees whether he is getting the satisfactory service or not. Also after service of a product offered by company is important if the company is good, gets reputation and rules the market. Only attractive punchlines will not help. For example, if I say â€Å"Paanch matalab chota coke†, it will suddenly remind you the ad of coca cola (even though it’s not on air now). So, this way punch line increases the recall value of the ad but if your ad or positioning of the product is not perfect then you can’t expect your advt programme to be successful just on the basis of punchlines. It is very difficult to find out the right Punchline. Marketers have to select right words to form that sentences which can correctly express the positioning strategy of the brand. A bad Punchline can kill a good ‘ad’. If the Punchline strikes customers as attractive due to repeated exposure it ‘changes’ the mindset of the customer creating new set of beliefs. The Punchline represents the values of the company, benefits, attributes, features, quality, cost, special technology. If we really want to appreciate the value of Punchlines, then imagine an advertisement without any Punchline. It looks like a dumb. So basically the Punchline is the voice of the brand, which primarily gives out the minimum momentum, thrust to push the brand in the mind of the customer. A punch line has to have an element of surprise in it. Humour is also an essential aspect of advertising because a dose of laughter instantly connects the masses with a campaign. The main objective of advertising is to appeal to the consumer and a punch line should always be linked with the product. Also, there has to be something new, something which the people can connect with instantly. The best punch line strikes a chord with people and creates magic. But, certain good companies such as â€Å"Colgate† don’t have got a punch line but still it is ruling the market for years. Basically, the work of punch line is to own a space in the minds of customer and create some easy recall of the ad. But it takes a lot of imagination to come up with something as simple yet as effective as gale ki khichkhich from the Vicks campaign. Such was the power of this simple line that now, irritation in throat is called khichkhich by a majority of people. And it instantly connects the feeling to Vicks. This linking of products, or brand recall, is what makes a punch line successful. Products come and go, but punch lines always stay.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Digital Marketing Campaign for SNOW tires Term Paper

Digital Marketing Campaign for SNOW tires - Term Paper Example This campaign will include a sale of a high number of tires to the market. And the end will be to sell 200,000 tires in North America and Europe in the five winters between 2014 and 2018. This will include creating awareness to consumers in USA, Canada and the European Union and also maintain a 20% sale level in the emerging markets. Sales in these emerging markets will be boosted to 200% of primary market sales after 2018. Online marketing is going to be used as the primary system through which the tires are going to be marketed. Therefore, the plan is to provide online marketing to all the consumers and enter the markets through a unique and distinct system and process. SNOWDRIVE is faced with competition from various levels of competitors. First of all, there is the threat of new entrants which includes companies that can manufacture similar types. This is quite unlikely. Fourthly, there are threats of supplier integration which is quite unreal because SNOWDRIVE are the suppliers. Finally, the threat of competitors in the industry is not really harsh since SNOWDRIVE is innovative in its presentation of this unique winter-type of tires. Political: The policies of the United States and Canada as well as the European Union are relevant and this includes importation and taxation rules as well as Internet disclosure processes and regulations. The liberalization of trade means that promotion could be done from a centralized source and process through which the company can sell and market products. However, important federal and EU relating to the advertising of agencies including respect for local laws must be streamlined. 1. Target customer: The primary customers are young members of these developed economies. This should include the younger sections of society who spend more time online. Secondary customers should be the richer and older users of the Internet who have

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A Secure Workflow for E-Government Application Essay

A Secure Workflow for E-Government Application - Essay Example Governmental agencies are providing services to their citizens and Foreign Companies via dedicated websites. Foreign users require services from the local department such as renewals of licenses and purchasing tenders. Providing a single secure portal that acts as a window to the various services is beneficial not only to these government agencies but also to their foreign customers. To get the full advantage of a workflow management system governmental agencies need a customized solution that fully corresponds to business and industry specifics. That is, a scalable platform for different tasks: This paper presents an approach for designing a secure workflow management system for e-Government portal, In section 2, we discuss some studies which are related to my research. In section 3, we briefly describe the overview of WFMS.The tools that will be used to improve the efficiency of workflow management systems in e-government portals and the advantages of utilizing these secure portals is presented in section 4. The onion routing technique is displayed in section 5and the methodology is discussed in section 6. Section 7&8 present the solution architecture and solution security, availability and scalability. We end this paper with section 9 that include future work and conclusion. Vijay Atluri from Rutgers University has claimed that Most of the commercial workflow systems provide minimal security features such as user authentication, Although some commercial WFMSs such as Flow Mark, Lotus Notes, and Chan engine can support role-based access control, they do not provide support to specify and enforce separation of duties constraints. They have to be implemented in an ad- hoc manner through a script type language [3].

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Internal Control Environment Research Proposal

The Internal Control Environment - Research Proposal Example Risk assessment is the component which enables the management to assess and analyze the risk associated with the accomplishment of objectives (Biegelman para.12). As in TPC, the elements of risk assessment includes an analysis of all three divisions and realizing the sources which could probably lead to control failure. For this purpose, TPC must set an internal control objective and then figure out the causes which would lead to deviations from the objective. Risk assessment is the component which enables the management to assess and analyze the risk associated with the accomplishment of objectives (Biegelman para.12). As in TPC, the elements of risk assessment includes an analysis of all three divisions and realizing the sources which could probably lead to control failure. For this purpose, TPC must set an internal control objective and then figure out the causes which would lead to deviations from the objective. The third component includes control activities or policies to create and implement strategies throughout the organization that ensures that objectives of internal control and minimization of risk would be achieved (Biegelman para.12). The major elements of this component are verification, performance reviews and separation of responsibilities etc. At TPC, this component involves implementing strategies and policies at headquarter as well as the three separate divisions. These policies might include a thorough system of performance measurement as well as control procedures (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations). The fourth component of internal control refers to management information and communication which entails communicating with employees on the internal control objectives as well as procedures and to instigate their efforts in meeting the goals (Biegelman para.12). TPC needs to enhance communication and information system among all the three divisions so as to ensure that the objective is communicated all over the organization.   The fifth and last component of internal control refers to monitoring which involves overseeing the whole internal control process and procedure to know if the process is carried out as planned and proceeding towards the desired objectives. The TPC’s management, as well as independent auditors, could keep a check over the proceeding of the control procedure in the organization and achievement of internal control objectives (Biegelman para.12).  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Organizing and Delegating-Management of Organizations Essay

Organizing and Delegating-Management of Organizations - Essay Example An effective cost reduction plan should achieve results that flow from top to the bottom line of financial matters (Mosley, 2008). The plan should be designed in such a manner that its implementation does not damage the organization itself. In fact, it is argued that a good cost reduction program should focus much on damage control as it involves cutting costs. The ways of communicating these measures are equally important, especially if it concerns salaries of the employees. Cost Reduction Plan All cost reduction plans aim at reducing costs in order to improve profitability. It is apparent that by reducing expenses, profits are increased. In the current scenario, it is apparent that most of the company’s expenses go to employee salaries. With 90 percent of the company’s expenses being channeled in one department, it becomes tricky to have an effective cost reduction plan in place. In this regard, it is advisable to have a cost reduction team comprising all departments. In the beginning, the head of the cost control team should ensure that the idea of cost reduction is well discussed with the team members. In the current scenario, since cost reduction measures will mainly focus on reducing salaries of the employees, it is also advisable to have all departments represented by employees in the cost control team (Mosley, 2008). However, the meeting should be frequent, probably once in a week. This helps the effort not to lose momentum. Every meeting’s minutes should be published and availed to the chief executive and the heads of each department. The minutes should include the status of each task in the meeting. Cost reduction team members should discuss ideas in a free flowing manner. The ideas should primarily focus on the agenda of the meeting with a contribution from team members being well recorded. Since the main area of concern is salaries, it is equally important to consider a review of other areas that could also be highly contributin g to losses. For example, the cost of raw materials, electricity, travel, maintenance, etc. may as well be reviewed (Suzue, 2002). However, the next step involves cost necessity assessment. In this regard, evaluation of the magnitude of necessity of cost items identified is done. Most crucial items should be retained, but suggested reduction should be applied. Items with less magnitude of necessity should be evaluated for other options. Issues concerning salaries range from labor costs and morale initiatives to training costs. The table below indicates a cost reduction proposal that can be used to reduce cost associated with employee salaries and benefits. Item Classification Risks Decision Labor Necessary None Keep but reduce cost Supervision Necessary None Keep Overtime Necessary Morale impact Keep but reduce Coffee Unnecessary Morale impact Eliminate Department party Unnecessary Morale impact Keep but reduce Communication Plan Before any decisions are made on the measures to use in cost cutting, it is vital to consider the number of permanent employees and those that are in contract. This sets a pace in evaluating implementation negotiations (Coombs et al., 2005). The first step involves analysis of the situation that has led to seeking the option of cost reduction. This could be termed as

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Argument for Lowering The Drinking Age to 18 Essay

Argument for Lowering The Drinking Age to 18 - Essay Example Banning drinking age at 18 will not stop teenagers from drinking. Some adults may have the impression that since it is made illegal to drink at age 18, then it would stop teenagers from drinking. On the contrary, the prohibition will not stop teenagers from drinking and that will even add to the thrill of drinking alcohol. Instead of stopping it, the prohibition will even have the effect of encouraging teenagers to drink. Banning alcohol at age 18 will just make teenagers hide when they are drinking and it is more dangerous. Adults or supervising authority may have the impression that they have stopped drinking but in fact, the drinking just went underground. This time, teenagers drink without the presence of adult supervision and this an unsafe environment for kids to drink. It is in this environment that excesses happen that often leads to the fatal outcome that some college presidents have aired their concern that drinking underground contributes to alcohol excesses among teenagers (Wechsler, 2010 pg. 987). Also, it is in this environment that beer binges and fighting occurs because teenagers tend to seize the moment and drink a lot until they could no longer control themselves. Also, 18 years old does not differ from age 21 in terms of the judgment. People may argue that older is better but being 21 does not make one wiser in terms of alcohol drinking. Delaying drinking age to 21 years old does not make one a more responsible drinker. In fact, delaying it promotes an irresponsible drinking behavior because teenagers will have to hide drinking first before they can drink in the open at age 21. So by the time they are already legal to drink to age 21, they have already developed the habit of drinking excessively because they were used to drink in an unsafe environment.